Hearthstone Patch Notes 28.2.3

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By Argi

Hearthstone Patch Notes 28.2.3: Exciting Updates for Standard and Battlegrounds

Hearthstone’s latest update, Patch 28.2.3, is a data-focused release, set to go live today, bringing significant changes to both Standard play and Battlegrounds. As the last scheduled patch for the year, our goal is to create an enjoyable and festive gaming experience for the holiday break. Join us in the Tavern and usher in the new year with these exciting updates!

Hearthstone Patch Notes 28.2.3 Standard Updates:

Developer Commentary: The primary objectives of this patch are to enhance underperforming classes, decks, and cards, particularly those from Showdown in the Badlands, while also tempering a few overperforming decks that have been dominating the meta. Our intention is not to eliminate beloved decks but rather to bring them into balance, creating more diversity within the meta.

Click the link for the different game’s patch notes!

Class Adjustments:

  1. Paladin: Identified as a major overperformer, Paladin is receiving adjustments to its AoE board clears. We aim to provide access to this mechanic without allowing the class to excel disproportionately. Other potential targets were considered, aligning with the desired strengths of the class.
  2. Dragon Druid: Noted for its strong matchup spread, Dragon Druid is having a slight power reduction to make it more vulnerable in the early game while preserving its general patterns and excitement among players.
  3. Doctor Holli’Dae: Acknowledged as one of the best cards in Standard, we are making a careful adjustment by reducing one attack from the weapon, balancing its overall power while preserving the unique charm of the card – frogs.
  4. Rainbow Mage: This popular deck is receiving adjustments to bring it in line with other decks in this patch. The changes make it slightly less effective in cluttering the early board during its gameplan development.
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Card Adjustments – Decreased Power:

  1. Keeper’s Strength:
    • Old: [4 Mana]
    • New: [5 Mana]
  2. Prismatic Beam:
    • Old: [7 Mana] Deal 3 damage to all enemies. Costs (1) less for each enemy minion.
    • New: [8 Mana] Deal 3 damage to all enemy minions. Costs (1) less for each enemy minion.
  3. Splish-Splash Whelp:
    • Old: 2/1
    • New: 1/1
  4. Desert Nestmatron:
    • Old: 3/5
    • New: 3/4
  5. Staff of the Nine Frogs (generated by Doctor Holli’Dae):
    • Old: 2/9
    • New: 1/9
  6. Arcane Wyrm:
    • Old: 1/2
    • New: 1/1

Players can disenchant the cards mentioned above, including non-Diamond Doctor Holli’Dae, for full dust refunds for at least three weeks following Patch 28.2.3. Diamond Doctor Holli’Dae owners will keep the card and receive a grant of 1600 Arcane Dust during the login later this week. We are also exploring systemic changes for Diamond cards affected by balance adjustments, with potential variations in the future.

Temporarily Banned: Pyrotechnician: This card is temporarily banned due to ongoing refinement of problematic Druid decks, particularly the emerging Fire Druid. Quick action is taken to assess and address the situation in the next balance window.

Card Adjustments – Increased Power:

  1. Elise, Badlands Savior:
    • Old: Battlecry: If your deck has no duplicates, summon 4/4 copies of 4 random minions in your deck.
    • New: Battlecry: If your deck has no duplicates, summon 5/5 copies of 4 random minions in your deck.
  2. Pip the Potent:
    • Old: [4 Mana] 3/5
    • New: [3 Mana] 3/3
  3. Invasive Shadeleaf:
    • Old: Deal 8 damage to an enemy minion. Save any excess in a 1-Cost Bottle.
    • New: Deal 10 damage to an enemy minion. Save any excess in a 1-Cost Bottle.
  4. Ra-den:
    • Old: Deathrattle: Summon each other minion you’ve played this game that didn’t start in your deck.
    • New: Taunt. Deathrattle: Summon each other minion you’ve played this game that didn’t start in your deck.
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Developer Commentary: Priest, struggling to find its place in the Badlands, receives adjustments to several cards, including three Legendary minions. The goal is to enhance new archetypes without solely buffing Control Priest, which currently hangs on a delicate balance. Ra-den, although not directly tied to Showdown in the Badlands archetypes, receives a boost to make it a more compelling card.

Card Adjustments – Rogue Excavate Treasure:

  1. The Azerite Scorpion:
    • Old: Battlecry: Get 4 random spells. If you’ve Excavated 8 times, they cost (0).
    • New: Battlecry: Get 4 random spells. They cost (1) less for each time you’ve Excavated this game (but not less than 1).
  2. Velarok Windblade:
    • Old: While this is in your hand, play three cards from other classes to reveal Velarok’s true form!
    • New: While this is in your hand, play a card from another class to reveal Velarok’s true form!
  3. Shell Game:
    • Old: [3 Mana]
    • New: [2 Mana]

Developer Commentary: Rogue, facing challenges with the new Excavate and Burgle cards, sees adjustments to the archetype. The Azerite Scorpion’s change aims to prevent spells from becoming excessive fuel for Draka and Sinstone Graveyard, ensuring a smoother gameplay experience without turning it into a Miracle pop-off generator.

Hearthstone Patch Notes Card Adjustments

Card Adjustments – Warlock Spells:

  1. Barrel of Sludge (Spell generated by several cards-mostly in Warlock):
    • Old: [2 Mana] When this is played, discarded, or destroyed, deal 3 damage to the lowest Health enemy.
    • New: [3 Mana] When this is played, discarded, or destroyed, deal 4 damage to the lowest Health enemy.
  2. Furnace Fuel:
    • Old: [4 Mana]
    • New: [3 Mana]
  3. Pop’gar the Putrid:
    • Old: Your Fel spells cost (1) less and have Lifesteal.
    • New: Your Fel spells cost (2) less and have Lifesteal.

Developer Commentary: Sludge Warlock, a promising but underperforming deck, sees adjustments to the Sludges without pushing them too far. These changes aim to maintain potency when disposed of without making them too strong when played. The Pop’gar adjustment ensures Sludges still cost 1 with it out.

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Card Adjustments – Deathrattle Minions:

  1. Maw and Paw:
    • Old: 1/8
    • New: 2/8
  2. Climactic Necrotic Explosion:
    • Old: Lifesteal. Deal 5 damage. Summon 2 1/1 Souls. (Randomly improved by Corpses you’ve spent).
    • New: Lifesteal. Deal 6 damage. Summon 3 2/2 Souls. (Randomly improved by Corpses you’ve spent).
  3. Corpse Bride:
    • Old: Battlecry: Spend up to 10 Corpses. Summon a Risen Groom with stats equal to the amount spent.
    • New: Battlecry: Spend up to 10 Corpses to summon a Risen Groom with Taunt and that much Attack and Health.

Developer Commentary: Maw and Paw receive a strength boost to make the card more impactful, particularly in its sticky minion aspect. Climactic Necrotic Explosion sees adjustments to enhance its Rainbow payoff, and Corpse Bride becomes a more exciting and secure big Corpse spender.

Hearthstone Patch Notes 28.2.3 Titan Adjustments

Titan Adjustments:

  1. Khaz’goroth:
    • Old: 4/4
    • New: 4/5
  2. Slagmaw the Slumbering:
    • Old: Dormant for 8 turns. (Excavate to awaken 2 turns sooner!)
    • New: Dormant for 6 turns. (Excavate to awaken 2 turns sooner!)

Developer Commentary: Khaz’goroth, considered one of the weaker Titans, receives a power boost to better fit its decks without pushing into more aggressive Warrior builds. Slagmaw, currently weak, has its dormancy reduced to 6 turns, providing a quicker activation.

Horseshoe Slinger:

  • Old: [3 Mana] 2/2
  • New: [2 Mana] 1/1

This adjustment to Horseshoe Slinger aims to streamline its mana cost and stats, creating a more efficient card for Rogue players.

In conclusion, Hearthstone’s Patch 28.2.3 brings a comprehensive set of adjustments to classes, cards, and game mechanics, promising a more balanced and enjoyable gaming experience. Embrace the changes, explore the updated meta, and may your Hearthstone adventures be filled with excitement and victories in the coming year!

You can check the Hearthstone Patch Notes official web site!

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